STEVE preist die Wolke – beim Apple Special Event, March 2011
Entfernt man Überflüssiges (technische Details und so) aus seiner Rede, kommt verdichtet die Wahrheit ans Licht. Wortlaut und -reihenfolge sind unverändert.
eine Vision; ein Mantra; viel Spaß:
und eine Kurzfassung des Textes, von Alex gelesen
you like everything so far?
we had one of our most important insights.
the digital hub for your digital life.
and we’re going to move
the digital hub,
the center of your digital life,
into the Cloud.
and now everything’s in sync
with me not even having to think about it.
the cloud is just the hard disk in the sky.
and we call it iCloud.
it’s completely integrated.
so everything happens automatically,
and there’s nothing new to learn.
it just all works.
it just works.
when i make a new contact,
it’s automatically brought up to the Cloud,
where it’s stored in the Cloud.
the truth is on the Cloud.
it’s that easy.
and then it’s automatically pushed,
so they’re all in sync.
it’s that easy.
don’t even think about it.
and if i change it,
it’s updated,
without me doing a thing.
it’s stored in the Cloud.
it’s that simple.
are pushed to all.
and we have shared calendars.
and we think you’re gonna love the new calendars
we give you.
and you can
of course
and you just push that button,
and there’s no extra charge.
no extra charge.
the cloud downloads it again
at no extra charge.
all automatically.
so that’s what we’re doing.
just push the button,
it downloads.
it downloads it to all .
and when you’re reading
you got to a page,
you bookmark that page,
that bookmark is sent up to the Cloud
and stored
and again pushed to all
it all just works.
backup daily –
do it to the cloud as well.
once daily
we’re gonna backup
a lot of your important contents
to the Cloud.
and everything will be loaded
automatically and wirelessly.
to iCloud ,
over wi-fi.
we backup
your music,apps and books.
we backup
your camera roll,
your photos and videos.
we backup
your device settings.
and we backup
your app data,
all to the Cloud.
– we couldn’t stop there.
you try to teach,
teach somebody
the easiest of all:
„you don’t ever have to think about it.“
in the Cloud
it’s really easy.
how many times have we taken photos
maybe of our kids
in the afternoon
and wanted
when we got home
to share them?
we built this right in.
so there’s nothing new to learn.
we have a button.
you push it.
it’s that simple.
it’s right there.
it’s just right there.
we built it right in
and so it’s right there.
we’re really
you know:
it’s the same old story
about „i buy something“.
we’ve added a button
that shows you
your entire history,
which is great.
this is the first time we’ve seen this.
and for the future
i flip one switch to „on“,
and now
they are all
we make them free.
and we want people to see
what can really be.
so we’re making it free.
and we’re very excited about it.
so how do you get it?
well …
you upgrade.
and thats it.
and you got a switch – that’s iCloud,
turned on by default.
and you’re up and running.
it’s an industry leading offer,
let’s put it that way,
that’s what it is.
if you don’t think we’re serious about this,
you are wrong.
we are ready
for any help you need.
that’s why we’re here.
so go at it !