Johnny bei Instagram.
Johnny bei Mastodon.
The Mynabirds – Numbers Don’t Lie
guddes ding, danke!
Oh. Neil Young! Nee, doch nicht. Doch!
> Having always wanted to make a record that sounded like Neil Young doing Motown, the discovery of the near mythical 60’s R&B group, The Mynah Birds, featuring none other than Neil Young (and Rick James among others), seemed all too serendipitous.
Netzgemüse – Das Buch von Spreeblick für Eltern. Hier kann man es bei Amazon kaufen.
guddes ding, danke!
Oh. Neil Young! Nee, doch nicht. Doch!
> Having always wanted to make a record that sounded like Neil Young doing Motown, the discovery of the near mythical 60’s R&B group, The Mynah Birds, featuring none other than Neil Young (and Rick James among others), seemed all too serendipitous.