Dies ist das Cover von „Cappadocia“, dem ersten eBook des Teilzeit-Spreeblick-Autors Charles Lewis aka Carlito Hudsonblick. Und das Buch ist dermaßen klasse, dass wir lange geplant hatten, es beim Spreeblick Verlag zu veröffentlichen. Doch auch unsere Tage haben leider nur 27 Stunden, weshalb Charles die Sache dann selbst in die Hand genommen hat. Wer William Gibsons Werke mag, wird auch viel Spaß mit Cappadocia haben, einem spannenden Thriller voller guter Ideen, interessanter Figuren und Schauplätzen sowie jeder Menge Jetzt-Bezug. Nach dem Klick gibt es ein kurzes Interview mit Charles zum Roman und natürlich die Kauf-Links.
What is your book, „Cappadocia“, about?
Plot-wise it’s a mad scientist story. The main character is working on a programming project that first derails her academic goals, and then spins completely out of control. Her best friend is a catalyst in this, as he tries to use her ideas to make a lot of money. Then lots of bad things happen. These are characters who will be familiar to anyone who has ever worked in a startup company. There are a lot of mad scientists out there these days – software makes it so much easier to put mad ideas to work.
Is this a book about technology?
Not really, but I like to use technical environments and language in a sort of impressionistic way. A lot of it is accurate, but it’s mostly there to provide color and plausibility. I work in the field, and every now and then I marvel at how objectively nonsensical it is. Sometimes it’s like found art.
But Cappadocia is much more about the characters and what they’re experiencing, how they get lost in different ways, how their world changes. Dean and Carmen, the main characters, come at life with a drive that seems irresistible, but life has other ideas for them, which leads to some bad behavior.
Who were your influences?
Different writers have influenced me in different ways, but that’s true of all readers. There were some specific ways that writers actually encouraged me to write, though. LeCarre, although he didn’t inspire me to write spy novels, did demonstrate for me how you could have characters with an active brain. This is where books have a leg up on movies – in movies you can only see what people do. In books you can inhabit them completely. Style-wise, I would mostly just list authors that I’m jealous of, so let’s not do that. Some people bring up William Gibson when they read Cappadocia. Gibson’s influence has been much more than literary for me. I read Neuromancer in high school and never looked back.
Is this science fiction?
I don’t think so. There’s science in it, but kind of in the way there was science in Frankenstein. I don’t think Shelley’s point was that we would someday have the technology to animate dead body parts with electricity. It’s that given the technology, we would.
This is your first novel. Can we expect more?
I have another one in the works, let’s see how it goes. I love to write but it takes a lot of time. At least it does for me. Maybe the second one goes faster. The main thing is that I have to really believe what I’m writing about. I have to believe there’s something to say that I’m not finding anywhere else. I felt that way with Cappadocia. I wrote the book I wanted to read.
You write about some different places: New York, Chicago, Turkey. How about Berlin?
Berlin is much too pleasant for me to write about. I hope to be back soon!
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Very awesome post, thanks for sharing.