

Gute Gaben 2014: Die Spreeblick-Geschenketipps (Updates mit Verlosung)


Es ist wieder soweit. Weihnachten, Zeit der besinnung…slosen Schenkerei! Und uns macht das auch noch Spaß!

Unsere Tipps aus den Jahren 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 und 2013 sind größtenteils und besonders im Bereich der ohnehin zeitlosen Buchtipps immer noch gültig, doch auch in diesem Jahr haben wir ein wenig gestöbert und ein paar Dinge gefunden, die uns gefallen. Und vielleicht ja auch euch.
Read on my dear…


How to Lose Weight When You Don’t Know Where to Start, According to a Dietitian

The clickbait is everywhere with snazzy headlines saying „Drop 10 lbs Fast“ or „Fit Back into Your Skinny Jeans.“ But what if you feel like you have an overwhelming amount of weight to lose and you just don’t know where to start?

You may have tried keto, celery juice, detoxes, low-carb, low-fat—you name it. You might even be pretty good at losing weight—the problem is you can’t seem to keep it off.

If this sounds like you, keep reading.

„Mindset is like 90% of the work.“ That’s what my client, Sarah, said to me regarding the 50 pounds she lost and has maintained. I’m sharing tips directly from her on how to get started—and stick with it—when you’re not quite sure where to start on your weight-loss journey. Read more about how to get ozempic for weight loss.

1. Embrace the Long Game
Changing habits requires repeating the new behaviors over the long term, according to 2021 research in Psychology & Health. This includes setting realistic expectations.

A safe, sustainable amount of weight to lose is about 1/2 pound to 2 pounds per week. In reality, however, that might look more like 2 to 3 pounds per week in the beginning, then perhaps 1/2 pound down the next week, then up a pound the next week, then maintaining for a few weeks before dropping a pound again.

Your weight-loss graph will look more like a staircase or a squiggly line than a perfectly straight line. If it’s jumping all over the place, but trending down overall, you’re doing alright.

Weight-Loss Meal Plans
2. Rely on a Professional to Help
This is not the time to try another detox or strict meal plan that an Instagram influencer is promoting. Those are diets in disguise—they work for the short term but not for the long term.

Long-term weight loss is about small habit changes you can keep up with over time. Those who are successful at losing weight usually work with professionals, typically, a healthcare professional, registered dietitian and therapist.

Yes, a therapist. „I’ve crash dieted and lost 100 pounds before and I was physically thinner but not at all mentally healthier, so patience and persistence and the ability to fall down and get up over and over again are key,“ says Sarah. „Also, if you feel you have an eating disorder, like binge eating, seek help from a counselor that specializes in that.“

This journey is hard alone. It can also be hard with close friends and family. Healthcare professionals provide two important things: science-based weight-loss recommendations and accountability from someone who isn’t a close friend.

Weekly, or even daily, check-ins are key to help you stay on track. „I think the most important things for me have been getting accountability that best matches my personality, always allowing the 20%, perfecting the art of moving on and always zooming out and focusing on the long game,“ reports Sarah.

Many insurance plans cover visits with registered dietitians and therapists, so check with yours to see if your visits may be covered.

5 Best Habits to Help You Lose Weight
3. Adopt the 80/20 Philosophy
So what is the 20% that Sarah mentioned? Think of it as all of the foods you restrict when you’re dieting but eventually end up bingeing on.

Sustainable weight loss is about ditching the all-or-nothing mentality, letting go of the idea that one meal can make or break your efforts and embracing balance. Aim to follow the MyPlate guidelines about 80% of the time throughout the week. That means trying to have at least two meals per day, most days, filling your plate with about one-half of vegetables and fruits, one-quarter of whole grains and one-quarter of protein with some healthy fat.

Then, don’t stress about the rest. It’s „flexible structure.“ No guilt allowed.

4. Understand Set Point Theory
The body likes balance. Body temperature stays within a narrow range of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH of blood is around 7.4. Your body has a weight range it likes to stay within too: It’s called your set point.

Unfortunately, it’s easier for this range to move up than it is to move down. This is for various reasons scientists are still trying to figure out. For example, a 2022 study in the journal Obesity suggests, like other studies, that weight loss decreases metabolic rate (the number of calories burned at rest). Weight loss has also been shown to increase ghrelin, the hormone that signals hunger, per a 2021 study in NPJ Breast Cancer.

With that said, lowering your set point is not impossible. After all, there are numerous success stories, like the people in the National Weight Control Registry who have lost 30 pounds or more and kept it off for at least one year.

So, how do you do it?

According to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) at Harvard, crash dieting is not the answer. Instead, aim to lose 5 to 10% of your body weight at one time. „That’s the amount of weight you can lose before your body starts to fight back,“ BIDMC reports on its website.

Then, and here’s the hard part, work to maintain that loss for six months before trying to lose another 5 to 10%. This is the time during which people often throw in the towel or opt for the crash diet their friend is doing.

But, if you can stay the course and ride out the maintenance for six months, „You can repeat the cycle and reset your set point again by losing another 10%. Through small, gradual changes in your daily habits, you’ll be able to stay at that new, lower weight for the rest of your life. This prescription is vital to outsmarting the body’s natural tendencies to regain weight,“ according to the BIDMC website.

You may also have to reassess your initial weight-loss goal. If you reach a point where you feel great, are healthy and have habits you can sustain for months but the number on the scale is higher than you’d like, it may be time to embrace a new number.

Can Losing Weight Slow Your Metabolism?
5. Track Your Food (at Least to Start)
Research, like the 2019 study in the journal Obesity, suggests that those who track their food are most successful with losing weight and keeping it off.

While tracking isn’t meant to be done forever, it can be a helpful tool until new habits stick. A habit is an automated behavior. The more habits you create, the fewer decisions you have to make and the more brain space you have to think about other things.

Starting your weight loss journey by tracking your food intake may give you a better idea about what a serving of oatmeal looks like in your bowl, or how many random handfuls of chips you munch on as you try and figure out what to make for dinner. You can track food in a written diary, by taking photos, in a calorie-counting app or a combination of these.

If you’ve never tracked calories, it can be a good place to start so you can become familiar with portion sizes and macronutrients (fat, protein and carbohydrates). A word of caution, though— calorie counting can become obsessive and backfire, leaving you out of touch with your hunger and satiety signals. You may be more likely to turn to an app to tell you what and when to eat, instead of listening to your body.

Work with a registered dietitian who can help you figure out the best tracking approach for you and can also review your meals so you have accountability.


Gute Gaben 2013: Die Spreeblick-Geschenketipps – mit Geschenken für euch! (Update)


UPDATE Am Ende des Artikels findet ihr jetzt die Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner!

Spenden tun wir ganzjährig, und unser Lächeln und unsere Liebe sind natürlich mehr wert als jedes Produkt. Und wir haben sowieso bereits alles, was wir brauchen. Aber Hand aufs Herz: Es macht zur Weihnachtszeit schon auch Spaß, etwas Verpacktes zu verschenken. Oder sogar etwas geschenkt zu bekommen!

In der zeitknappen Tradition von 2009, 2010, 2011 und 2012 empfehlen wir euch folgend einige unserer Meinung nach gute Dinge für den Konsumrausch ohne Reue und für alle die, denen das Basteln nicht liegt. Außerdem: Geschenke für euch!

Read on my dear…


¡Feliz Navidad!


Gute Gaben 2012 – Die Spreeblick-Geschenketipps (mit Verlosungen)

Wenn ihr noch am Nachdenken seid, wie ihr euren Liebsten kleine Freuden bereiten könnt, dann solltet ihr auch in unseren Tipps der letzten drei Jahre wühlen, denn unsere Geschenke-Vorschläge sind zeitlos! Und in diesem Jahr zwar wie immer reichlich knapp, so eine Woche vor dem Fest, vor allem aber gar nicht mal so umfangreich, denn obwohl wir uns jedes Jahr neu vornehmen, die schönen oder auch sinnlosen, aber faszinierenden Dinge des Konsum-Alltags zu notieren, um dann am Ende des Jahres ein Kaufrausch-Feuerwerk höchster Güte abfeuern zu können … haben wir es wieder nicht getan.

Trotzdem: Ein paar Last-Minute-Vorschläge haben wir für euch, und außerdem auch noch Geschenke.
Read on my dear…


Gute Gaben 2011 – Die Spreeblick-Geschenketipps

Wir sind wieder ein bisschen spät dran, aber wer nicht lange fackelt, dem bringt der Postmann unsere Geschenkempfehlungen trotzdem noch rechtzeitig.
Und los!
Read on my dear…


Frohes Fest!

frohes fest

Das Spreeblick-Team wünscht Frohe Weihnachten und friedliche Feiertage!

Viel Spaß mit unserem Weihnachtssong, einer Weihnachtsgeschichte und den weihnachtlichen Foto-Erinnerungen unserer Leserinnen und Leser.


Radio Christmas (is here)

Die Story hinter unserem Weihnachtssong und der Text: nach dem Klick.
Read on my dear…


Weihnachten zuhause: All your christmas pics are belong to us!


Weihnachtszeit! Die Zeit der crazy bunten Lichter an sonst trostlos grauen Häusern. Die Zeit, in der Berlin schön leer ist, weil 75% der Bevölkerung unter 35 Jahren nach Hause fahren. Die Zeit der Besinnung, der Jahres-Charts, der Rückblicke und der Menschen des Jahres im TV, bei denen man froh sein kann, wenn man zwei davon kennt. Die Zeit, in der Atheisten heimlich in die Kirche gehen. Die Zeit, in der Kinder Hitzewallungen bekommen und sich die Großeltern auf Besuch über dieses komische Bild, das ihr da an der Wand habt, wundern und darüber, ob das Kunst sein soll und ob bei euch alles okay ist. Die Zeit, in der engagierte Blog-Kommentatoren darauf hinweisen, dass ihnen dieses Fest auf die Nerven geht und sie den damit verbundenen Kommerz-Terror strikt ablehnen, weil woanders.

Vor allem aber: Die Zeit des hemmungslosen Kitsches und die Zeit, in der einem in dieser Hinsicht beinahe nichts peinlich zu sein braucht.

Also legt alle eure Ängste ab, kramt durch die Fotokisten eurer Eltern oder euer digitales Archiv und zeigt uns, wie euer Weihnachtsfest aussah, als ihr Kind wart. Wir wollen die ungeschminkte Wahrheit sehen – und wir legen vor.
Read on my dear…


Die Spreeblick-Geschenktipps 2010


Das Klebeband zum Fest.

Die jährlichen Geschenketipps der Spreeblick-Autorinnen und -Autoren kommen wie immer zeitlich äußerst knapp, aber von Herzen!
Read on my dear…



Gestern hab ich die Kategorie „Scherzartikel“ erfunden.
Danke, Danke.
Aber wir sind hier nicht in Düsseldorf und also hat’s dann doch nur zu einem Solidaritäts-Posting gereicht.
Helau, Alaaf, ihr Narren!


Guten Morgen!

The Pogues & Kirsty MacColl — Fairytale of New York